Emiratisation Webinar Banner (13)

Recruiting, Retaining & Supporting

We're delighted to invite you to an insightful webinar presented by Mark Williams Recruitment  - a pioneer in championing Emiratisation and supporting the growth of UAE national talent in the economy.

This webinar will be hosted by Marvin Verances, the head of Emiratisation practice at Mark Williams. Through this insightful session we aim to broaden your understanding of Emiratisation by demystifying prevalent misconceptions and further insights into UAE's employment landscape, focusing on the significance of Emiratisation, best practices in supporting the growth of UAE nationals in the private sector, and success stories that showcase the potential of Emiratis and how leading companies have embraced Emiratisation. 

The session will conclude with a Q&A segment where you can seek clarity on various hiring challenges and queries on the directive, ensuring you leave with a clear understanding of this important national goal.

To register for the webinar, kindly fill in the form. Upon registration, you will receive an invitation via email. We're excited for you to join us as we embrace Emiratisation together.

About the Speaker

Marvin Verances, Head of Emiratisation

Marvin heads the Emiratisation practice at Mark Williams. With over a decade of experience placing UAE Nationals across private, semi-government and public entities, Marvin has a deep understanding of UAE National talent and their impact on building a resilient economy. 

He has led the Mark Williams team to win multiple awards for "Best Emiratisation Agency" and aims to share best practices to support the nation in achieving its objective of fostering a diverse and knowledge-based workforce.

As the market leader in Emiratisation recruitment in the UAE, we are always striving to provide the most up-to-date
data and information on the industry.
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